KS1 has always prioritised education as one of the most effective means of transforming the lives of our children. This is achieved through various interventions that KS1 is currently implementing at a number of schools. This is following its obligation with the Independent Power Producers (IPP) via the Implementation Agreement.
In 2023, KS1 has embarked on a Walk A Child Back To School initiative.
This initiative is designed to provide school shoes to children in the communities within the 50km radius where KS1 operates. The criterion for selecting recipients was based on social needs. School Principals were given the responsibility to identify the learners at their respective schools. The emphasis was that there should be no academic requirements to qualify a learner to receive a pair of school shoes.
KS1 will therefore be donating One Thousand Six Hundred and Thirty-Three (1633) pairs of school shoes to thirteen schools, as we firmly believe that school shoes should not be another barrier a learner must overcome in order to have a positive schooling experience.
We would like to thank and express our gratitude for the relationships the company has with the communities as a whole, respective officials, Local Municipalities and various government Departments.
Author : Karoshoek Solar One SED Manager